Secure Erase is designed to remove the content of a submitted job from the Fiery HDD whenever a Fiery function deletes a job. At the instance of deletion, each job source file is overwritten three times using an algorithm based on US DoD specification DoD5220.22M.
The following limitations and restrictions apply to Secure Erase:
• It does not apply to job files located in systems other than the
Fiery server, such as the following:
– Copies of the job load balanced to another Fiery server.
– Copies of the job archived to media or network drives.
– Copies of the job located on client workstations.
– Pages of a job merged or copied entirely into another job.
• It does not delete any entries from the job log.
• If the system is manually powered off before a job deletion has completed, there is no guarantee that the job will be fully deleted.
• Jobs deleted before this feature is enabled are not securely erased.
• It does not delete any job data that may have been written to disk due to disk swapping.
• It disables automatic defragmentation on Windows OS. If enabled, the OS could move job data around as it defragments.
In that case, portions of the job data in the original location might not be overwritten for a secure erase.
• Jobs submitted through an FTP server may be saved by the FTP client before being passed to the Fiery system software. Because the Fiery system software has no control over this process, the system cannot securely erase the jobs saved by the FTP client.
• Jobs printed via SMB go through the spooler on the Fiery, which saves the jobs to disk. Because the Fiery system software has no control over this process, the system cannot securely erase these jobs.
Note: Disk swapping occurs to create more virtual memory than there is physical memory. This process is handled in the operating system layer, and the Fiery server has 11 no control over it. However, disk swap space is regularly rewritten during the operating system operation as various segments of memory are moved between memory and disk. This process can lead to some job segments being stored to disk temporarily.